Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Trigger an Azure Build Pipeline Based on Changes in Multiple Azure Git Repos

While we are working in the projects, there can be common tools or utilities developed which are shared with the multiple projects. When developing such projects using Azure DevOps Repos as source control, we can keep common utilities in one repo and other projects in separate repos. However, while we developing utilities in separate repo, once any change done to the utilities, other projects which refer this utility should be get acknowledge and should be able to work with the latest utilities. Hence, once new change done to the utilities code, other dependent projects builds should get triggered automatically and build deployable package with latest utilities version.

Azure DevOps has a feature where you can trigger a build pipeline once a change is done to another repo other than the main code repo. That would help us to achieve the above-mentioned challenge. This post discusses how to trigger a build pipeline due to the code push done to the multiple repos.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Fix Service Connection Configuration Failure in Azure DevOps and Jira Integration

While working in the modern software development teams, you would have teams don't stick to one tool as they always try to use more tools if the tools can integrate with each other. Jira is one of the most famous team/project management tool and Azure DevOps is mostly famous as a CI/CD tool. If a team use both of the tools, it is better to have link between tasks in the Jira and deployments in the Azure DevOps team projects. This blog explains how to integrate Jira and Azure DevOps, further, discuss the issues faced when integrating the two tools and how to solve the issues.

  • Let's go to Azure DevOps and check possibility to create a service connection to Jira. You would be able to find the Jira in the service connection type list, however, you would be able to see save button of the service connection creation process disables even after enter the values. It doesn't allow to create the service connection between two tools.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Link Jira Issues with Azure DevOps Deployment

In the previous post we have discussed how to create a service connection between Jira and Azure DevOps. Since, project management tasks and deployment done using two different tools, It is very useful to have a link between the tools to easily track the deployment progress of the each process explain in Jira issue. This post explains how to link Jira work items and Azure DevOps deployment pipeline.

Pre requites:

  1.  Azure DevOps Repo with a code sample.
  2.  Azure DevOps continuous integration and deployment pipelines to deploy code changes to target platform.
  • Open Azure DevOps deployment pipeline in the edit mode.
  • Go to integration section in options section of the Azure DevOps deployment pipeline. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Getting Started with Azure Scale Set Agents

Azure DevOps pipelines use hosted agents or private agents to run the build steps. However, while using the private agents one of the main challenges faced by the users is cost of the agents. As a solution to this we can use Azure Scale set agents as describe in this post. Scale set will create agents on demand and destroy them after use.
  • First create a VM with all the required software installed in it.
  • Open Azure Cloud Shell and execute following commands.
    • Run following command to select relevant subscription if you have multiple subscriptions.