Saturday, January 28, 2023

The New Pre-defined System Variable in Azure DevOps Build Pipeline

There could be requirement to get Azure DevOps build definition location when developing scripts to use with Azure DevOps. In such script, you can hardcode build definition location or use recently introduced pre-defined system variable, Build.DefinitionFolderPath in Azure DevOps.

Pre requirement: Azure DevOps build definition

The build definition we use for this blog post is under Demo Build Pipeline.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Disabling Creation of Classic Pipeline in Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps has introduced new toggle which can be used to disable classic pipeline creation in team projects. If your organization decided to use only YAML pipelines, you can use this feature. It will disable classic build pipelines, classic release pipelines, task groups and deployment groups from Azure DevOps.

Before enable the toggle, you would be able to see the option to create a new classic pipeline as shown in below.