Saturday, January 12, 2019

Create Azure Container Registry–Part 2

In the previous post ( Create Azure Container Registry Part1) we have discussed how to create an Azure container registry through the Azure portal.This post explains how to create an Azure container registry using Azure CLI(Command Line Interface). Azure CLI is a tool that provide great support to manage Azure resources. Let’s look at the steps.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Create Azure Container Registry–Part1

When you work with Docker containers, you are using Docker registry to store Docker images. Microsoft Azure provides a good platform to run containerized applications with Azure Kubernetes Services(AKS), Azure Container Instances, Azure Web Apps or using Azure Service Fabric.When you are using Azure to run containers it is useful to keep the Docker images in Azure.For this purpose,you can use Azure Container Registry.This post will explain you how to create an Azure Container Registry .Let’s look at the steps in detail.