Friday, January 21, 2022

Enabling Sequential Deployments with Exclusive Environment Locks

When using an Azure DevOps deployment pipelines with exclusive lock for a stage and triggering a deployment pipeline parallelly, only the latest deployment runs and all previous deployments that triggered automatically get cancelled. This would be fine with cumulative deployments, however, if you have a different content in each deployment run, canceling the one deployment affect the system badly due to missing updates to the system. 

Following image shows, pipeline automatically cancelled the previous run and runs only the latest deployment.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Azure DevOps YAML Pipeline Path Filters with Wildcards

When working with YAML pipelines, we can define pipeline trigger options such as branch triggers and path filters. However, there was a limitation to set path filters before. The path filters cannot have wild cards. However, now Azure DevOps supports wild cards in path filters in YAML pipelines as explain in this blog.

Pre-requisite: Repo with a code solution

Following is the project structure we are going to use for the path filter.  Once add a change to one of the cshtml files, sample YAML pipeline use in this blog should be triggered automatically.