Saturday, May 9, 2020

Resolving “Exist soft deleted vault with the same name” at the Time of Azure Keyvault Creation

Azure Keyvault is a well known component among which can be used to store secrets and certificates in a secure way.This post discusses the special feature called soft delete available with Azure Keyvault and how to purge soft deleted key vaults permanently. 
Soft delete is a feature of Azure key vault which allows users recover the deleted -vaults or vault objects such as keys,secrets and certificates for the specified retention period. Minimum retention is 7 days and maximum is 90 and can be only set once for a key vault..Assume a situation where you have enabled the soft delete feature of the key vault and you deleted the vault. After that when you try to create a vault with the same name it gives an error mentioning soft deleted vault is available with the same name. Hence, you cannot create a new vault with the same name.

ERROR: Exist soft deleted vault with the same name